Our Solutions

Walking with you to establish a mine and run it efficiently through world class services which guarantees result

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A team built and structure to suit to your needs in mining

Mine consulting services

Our multi-discipline and multi-commodity team of professional consultants specialise in both underground and surface, hard-rock and soft-rock, mining operations.

Prospecting and pegging

We help search for mineral deposits, especially by drilling and excavation and make sure the area is marked and registered on your behalf.

Geological report

We create concise, informative and well documented reports used to present, analyse and summarise field data for both industry and research purposes. They would be accompanied by geological maps, figures, stratigraphic columns, tables, graphs, etc

Environmental impact assessment

Environmental impacts of mining can occur at local, regional, and global scales through direct and indirect mining practices. Impacts can result in erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by the chemicals emitted from mining processes.We make these assessments on your behalf


We help you set up a mine from nothing. We also help you find the best mines for sale, mines ready for partnerships and mines ready for Investment

Establishment of permanent Beacons

We post Prospecting, Discovery and Registration Notices on the ground. The notices are posted in a conspicuous manner to alert other prospectors

We have good experience in Nickel

The geology of Zimbabwe is highly favourable for nickel occurrences. The country’s nickel sulphide endowment includes a variety of komatiite and mafic intrusion-hosted deposits. More than 30 deposits have been discovered to date. Other sources of nickel are the huge laterite nickel deposits on the northern part of the Great Dyke and oxide nickel deposits in several serpentinite areas in greenstone belts as well as igneous complexes around the country.

Iron Ore is another mineral available that we have had success with in the past

Zimbabwe has huge iron ore deposits associated with banded ironstone formations in greenstone belts. Major deposits are estimated to be over 30 billion tonnes of reserves. Some of the high-grade deposits are found at Buchwa and Ripple Creek, in the Midlands Province. Significant ironstone deposits include the huge Mwanesi deposit west of Chivhu and Nyuni near Masvingo. Manyoka and Mongula and several similar deposits in the Limpopo Mobile Belt also have huge potential.

We have had our most successes with Lithium

Zimbabwe was ranked fourth in the World as a lithium producer in 1984. Nearly all production comes from the Bikita pegmatite of Archaean age, which is one of the largest lithium – bearing pegmatites in the world. Most of the Lithium has been produced from Archaeanpegmatites, although some amounts have been mined from pegmatites in the Proterozoic Zambezi Metamorphic belt around Kamativi

Five Lithium minerals are mined at Bikita and all have been produced from other pegmatites in Zimbabwe. The minerals are petalite, lepidolite, spodumene, eucryptite and amblygonite. Current investment projects include at Arcadia Mine in Arcturus by Prospect Resources (Pvt) Ltd and Zulu Lithium exploration project in Fort Rixon.

We take advantage of our network, made over the years to help you get this mineral

Early uranium exploration in Zimbabwe was restricted to scattered ground and air surveys over small areas. A recent regional airborne radiometric survey flown over the Zambezi valley outlined 16 anomalies. The most potential prospect, the Kanyemba Prospect, was evaluated and reserves have been outlined. Uranium production has been limited to an output declared from the Cripmore claims south of Mutare between 1959 and 1960.

At the Kanyemba deposit there are 4 ore bodies which are approximately parallel to each other with a spacing of 20-150m between them. The mineralization occurs in sedimentary rocks of the uppermost Pebbly Arkose Formation 10 to 25 metres thick. The deposit extends over an area of 1000 X 1500 m² and is 220m deep. The uranium and vanadium potential indicated by drilling is 450 000 tonnes of ore grading 0.7% U3O8 and 0.4% V2O5 with reserves ranging from 2876 tonnes to 3244 tonnes for U3O8 and between 2691 tonnes and 4857 tonnes V2O5.

Found in a region which we have a great stronghold and understanding with the government

Tantalum – Columbite was found in Zimbabwe in 1911, but it was not until 1937 that production commenced from the Bikita Tinfields. Tantalum and niobium occurrences in Zimbabwe are known to be associated with granitic pegmatites. In general, tantalum and niobium in Zimbabwe occurs in pegmatites in the eastern, north eastern and western parts of the country with several others doted across the country. Some notable resource areas include Hwange (Matabeleland North), Hurungwe (Mashonaland West), Mutoko – Mudzi (Mashonaland East) and Odzi (Manicaland Province)

Very rare, but we have run into them several times

Pegmatites, which are ubiquitous in several geological environments across the country, especially on the edges of greenstone and metamorphic belts, are a source of a variety of important minerals that include tin and wolframite, beryl, mica, feldspar, and gemstones such as emerald, aquamarine, chrysoberyl, alexandrite and euclase.

In general, pegmatite minerals are prevalent in the eastern, north eastern and western parts of the country with several others doted across the country.

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Research Results

The objectives of our group are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably.We aim to participate in the search and development of other possibilities to meet evolving customer needs and the world’s growing demand. We believe that our services will be integral to the global needs for many decades to come.

Prospecting and pegging

Establishment of permanent Beaconsr


Consulting services

Dispute resolution

Mine registration

Walking with you to establish a mine and run it efficiently through world class services which guarantees results
